Hammer Energy va participa la targul ROEnergy (Timisoara)

Hammer Energy va participa la targul ROEnergy (Timisoara) Dupa pauza estivala Hammer Energy revine la targul RoEnergy, targ de referinta pentru piata sistemelor fotovoltaice din Romania si Europa de Est, care va avea loc in perioada 25-27 septembrie. Vom fi prezenti cu solutiile noastre structurale pentru campuri fotovoltaice, acoperisuri cu tabla cutata sau ondulata si …

Hammer Energy will participate in the RoEnergy fair (Timisoara)

Hammer Energy will participate in the RoEnergy fair (Timisoara) After the summer break, Hammer Energy returns on exhibition to RoEnergy, the leading exhibition for the Romanian and Eastern European photovoltaic market, which will be held from 25 to 27 September. We will be present with our structure solutions for ground-mounted systems, on trapezoidal sheet or …

Company info

Hammer Energy is a trademark by: Hammer s.r.l.Via della Guardia n. 11/13/15/17/1914048 Montegrosso d’Asti (AT)ITALIA Cod Fisc. e PIVA 00094860053Commercial Register EntryAsti REA 46448